
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hilarious customers at the golf course....

I will be posting some things in the near future that may scare you, make you laugh, and make you cry. But, hopefully, they keep you coming back to this blog for more! I'm going to pay closer attention to the crazy people we have to deal with at the golf course on a daily basis, and share those stories with you, my friends. These people are out there! You can't make this stuff up! Enjoy!

I have been working at the golf course this season for only four days total now, and the yahoo's are already coming out of the woodwork. 

I answered the phone the other day with my usual greeting, "Crumpin-Fox Club, this is Chris, how can I help you?" Very pleasant right? I thought so! The gentleman on the other end of the phone said, and I quote, "Yeah, uh, let me talk to Kayley." Now I have been there for five years and not one time have we employed anyone named Kayley. When I explained to the man that there was no one with that name working here, he quickly responded with the following rant....

"You're Stupid! You don't know what your talking about. Let me speak to Kayley! I'm friends with her boyfriend and it's very important that I get a hold of her."

At this point, I explained again that there was no one by that name here. He then told me that she had just been promoted to Restaurant Manager. I again, kindly explained to him that I have never even met a Kayley, never mind, work with one! He seemed to calm down a bit at this point, but still, ended our great conversation with these words, "Have Kayley call me when she comes in."

I then hung up, and sat there with the most puzzled look on my face. Because of this conversation, I have given up alcoholic beverages completely! :)


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